Hello and welcome to Notice the Divine
Notice the Divine cards and prints are all from original art. Since I began making art rather late in life, after wanting to for decades, these are truly inspired small works.
Transcendent, mixed-media collage is the best description for what I do. Acrylic paints, transferred images from a variety of sources, quite often my own photos, sacred images, stencils, stamps and whatever moves into my hand while I am creating are the materials that I use.
My intention is that these images bring a deeper knowing of the divine within all of us, and all around us…whatever you consider the divine. For most of the work here I was either chanting mantras or listening to them while in the creative process, experiencing the divine guiding me.
My name is Michelle Victoria and I have the good fortune to work in Santa Fe, NM and Los Angeles. All of the art for Notice the Divine was created under the big sky of Santa Fe and in my earliest years making art. You can see more of my art work at MichelleVictoria.com
respect yourself. respect the Earth. respect one another